10 SEO Tips for Small Businesses

SaveDelete : This is a guest post my Mohan Madan, who is SEO analyst in a small town near Jaipur, India. Small businesses should follow the following 10 tips provided by an SEO agency when it comes to effectively utilizing SEO tactics to help their business expand.

1) Keywords and keyword phrases are a must when it comes to staying ahead of competition. Businesses find that they can no longer receive high rankings by utilizing one keyword. Googleadwords is a wonderful site when it comes to discovering what consumers are searching for. It is also smart for small businesses to utilize software that helps them see which key phrases are being searched for that relate to their business industry.

2) Interesting content found on web pages is also a must. Simply looking at products and reading ‘fluff’ does not cut any more these days when it comes to pleasing consumers. All content should be informational and interesting.

3) All small business websites should have a mobile-friendly website that can be used by mobile users.

4) Google Places has transformed the way consumers search for products and services. Staying up to date on the way consumers search is critical in any business’ success.

5) All small businesses should use some type(s) of effective link building strategy. Thesestrategies help business websites achieve high ranking on search engine results, and it is important for all link building strategies to include both internal and external linking.

6) Businesses should also use a canonical pathway domain; this helps them to create a method at avoiding unneeded repeated page variations that can sometimes be found within search engines.

7) Checking a cache log of page viewings enables a business to see which of their website pages are being crawled. The less a page is being crawled the less likely it is that it is being viewed at its top potential.
Always placing photos on websites is a must, even if the website contains mostly texts about services the business is offering, the photos come with texts boxes. The text found within the boxes can help the website to obtain higher search engine rankings.

9) It is important to make sure the load speed of a website it up to par. If it is not then consumers usually move on to another website that loads faster.

10) Always make sure no links are broken within a business website, search engine spiders hate this.

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